Returning Home
2024 has been a sobering year thus far. It’s asked for more of me in every area. Of course I’m doing my best to arise to the occasions and much of that work has involved expanding my vision for what’s possible, more collaborations, and better time management. All beautiful things of Saturn and Uranus. I’ve been writing, and writing, and writing, and refining in every area that I can. These containers mean the world to me because it’s a place where I get to channel a lot of my love for astrology and pattern recognition! This Cancer season has been download after download and I know it’ll enrich these containers in the months to come.
I hope that you are transforming with the seasons and allowing yourself to rise to every occasion that is meant for you.
I hope that you have been returning home and revisiting the old beliefs, the ones that’s held your joy hostage, and freeing them.
I hope that you are confronting the parts of your love that you’ve limited from fear of rejection, it’s a vital part of becoming new again.
For now, I’m returning home at the end of this month and will not be doing our usual live meeting for the Astro. Axis! Instead, we will do our Imagining Leo Season together and I upload slides for Leo Season to the Magma Chamber containers.