You Are The Question, You Are the Answer

You Are The Question, You Are the Answer

Leyline Consulting™

Saki is an energetic practitioner whose focus is primarily astrology, ancestral work, and tools for enriching one’s personal medicine.


Learn more


Not sure which session you want? Perhaps you simply want to get a better feel for my energy. Book this free consultation for up to 15 minute phone call. For international clients, please specify where you are located and include a working email. International consultations will be via zoom.

During this session you may:

  • Ask questions about any of my sessions

  • Ask about my history as a practitioner

  • Inquire about sliding scale payment options

  • Get a better feel for my energy

  • Ask about other offerings that aren’t listed


Who is this for?

Anyone seeking to gain more clarity before booking a session with me.


Packaged sessions

secure multiple sessions at once

Working with a practitioner to accomplish clear energetic, educational, and capacity goals is one of the best ways to actualize Sustained Integration. We’re able to take our time identifying (and transforming) distortions in your auric field and most importantly building your skill of working these energetic tools on your own! Click below to explore the different packaging options and of course feel free to book a free consultation if you have any further questions!


Who is this for?

Packages are for the client that would benefit from recurring scheduled sessions. During the consultation (included in all packages), we'll take our time assessing imbalances in your energetic body, current themes in your life, taking a look at your natal chart, and devising an approach for personal transformation.




Astro-cartography is the process of laying key aspects of your natal chart across a map of the Earth, and exploring the third energy created from their intersection.

During this session you’ll:

  • Learn more about your natal chart (tropical or sidereal)

  • Learn more about your progressed chart (tropical or sidereal)

  • Receive an aura healing

  • Introduce yourself to the lands we check out


Who is this for?

Book this session for yourself, your business, you & your partner, child, to plan a potential move, or even a vacation.


Astro // Energy Work

The Works

During this session we blend astrology and energy work to provide both a deep reset/healing to your personal aura, and a grounded action based view of the current themes in your life.

During this session you’ll:

  • Receive a brief breakdown of your astrological influences and gain a deeper understanding of the patterns in your chart

  • Receive a healing on your personal aura and deeper energy work tailored to your needs

  • Release any blockages and own more of your space/personal power, according to your personal power

  • Engage with any messages coming through from your guides, angels, and personal spiritual team.


Who is this for?

Folks looking for a perfect balance of energy work and astrology.



Gimme the Signs

During this session you’ll receive a deep dive into your natal and progressed charts. I can accommodate tropical or sidereal requests, respectively. This is also a Quantum Conversation where I share my perspective on whatever is weighing on your heart and we clear the noise in the places where I can.

During this session you’ll:

  • Receive a brief breakdown of your astrological influences and gain a deeper understanding of the patterns in your chart.

  • Gain a depeer understanding of the function of the planets, houses, angles, aspects, and degrees.

  • Ground synchronicity into clear action items.

  • Engage with any messages coming through from your guides, angels, and personal spiritual team.


who is this for?

Anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of astrology via their own chart.


Energy Work

Personal Tune-Up

If you’re feeling called to receiving deep energy work on your auric field, this session is for you. Along with a cleansing and healing, we’ll also do clean up your current timeline and assist you in deeply embodying your personal power, opening more choice.

With this flow in heart, we will also engage with any other questions/blockages you may have.


Who is this for?

If you’re seeking a deep energy cleansing, to explore and transform any blockages I have permission to see, if you’re ready to own more of your space and deepen in the maintenance of your energetic hygiene.


About Saki

Saki is an interdisciplinary artist and Healing Arts Practitioner who is dedicated to re-earthing Black Geographies and Land Stewardship. All of her spiritual counseling is rooted by the intention of assisting people in actualizing their potential, shifting (then transforming) trauma, and developing healthier ways of relating with life from moment to moment.


Interested in working together?