
Meditations and Guided processes are meant to help you align with current astro energies, navigate energy dynamics, and heal the aura. This member’s only content is a way for us to deepen in our own practice, as well as explore actively transforming states.

The Systems: We use principles that originate from the Berkeley Psychic Institute, traditional Southern U.S. motifs, as well as my own relationship with these tools and the elementals.

Enhancing Soul Fire

During this meditation we collaborate with the forces of the moment in order to enhance our soul’s fire and increase our permission to manifest the code of our sacred hearts.This fiery gate creates a threshold moment of shedding core traumas and stepping into your inner child’s dreams. This could look like moving forward with projects with clarity, more ease around choosing from your heart, and more.

More about this moment: This meditation was recorded during the exact moment of Chiron and Jupiter’s conjunction in Aries in the 5H of Leo. This was during a Jupiter hour. This auditory elixir is sealed by timeless Jupiterian forces.

Astrology: Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio; Chiron, Jupiter, and Venus in Aries

Cultivating the Heart Throne

The Arsh, Heart Throne, is the seat our Sacred Heart, it is also the portal realm that connects the Divinity within us, with the humanity of this life. We also journey through the meridians and channels that feed all bodies of water across the Earth, whose origins lie in the origins of the Earth’s Arsh.

More about this moment: This medi is created in collaboration with Primordial Aquatic forces, Neptunian + Lunar waters, and Divine forces of Softening + Grace

Astrology: Balsamic Moon Phase (day before new moon in Pisces), Moon + Mercury in Aquarius, between a mars and sun hour, Sun and Venus in Pisces, Mars in Gemini.

Uranus sD – Back to the main plot

Uranus was retrograde from Sept. ‘22 to Jan. 21st 2023. During this period huge shifts in consciousness, karma, and purpose activated. Uranus is now direct in Taurus in the 11H of Aquarius. These vast Uranian winds encourages us to continue choosing our Medicine Path. In this medi, we do a deep grounding and recalibrate our spiritual paths with all the beauty that’s available.

More about this moment: Recorded during a Jupiter + Mars hour in collaboration with Uranus, the new moon, lightning, thunder, sunflower meadow, and beings of Grace, Evolution, and timelessness.

Astrology: Sun + Venus in Aquarius, Moon in Pisces, Mercury in Capricorn, Mars in Gemini

Galactic Recall

In this medi we collaborate with Rain, Hearth, Galactic energies, and Deep Sea Whales to clear the noise that may be limiting our capacity to run our own authentic energies. We do a deep clearing of all our subtle layers, reset our home, and increase our permission to embody our Galactic Divinity.

More about this moment: Recorded during a Sun hour in collaboration with Galactic forces of re-membrance, deep sea whales, sacred beings of Voice and Tone.

Astrology: Sun, Mercury, Venus in Capricorn; Moon in Taurus, and Mars stationed in Gemini

Taurus’ Paradigm Shift

This is solely the medi portion of the Elemental Engagement 002! We collaborate with Water, Fire, Cosmic, and Earthen Energies to generate change.

This container is sealed by beings of Grace, Compassion, and Timelessness. Recorded during a Jupiter hour, with Primordial Aquatics, Ancient Fire Beings, and anchored by A forever sunset mountain-scape!

Harmonizing Gendered Energies

In this medi we gather round the camp fire and work around the campfire. As we go deeper, we release our parental energies from our space, call stars of our authentic feminine masculine + non binary energies, and update our self-concepts.

More about this moment: this medi was recorded during a sun hour in Marana AZ at a beautiful sacred fire. There was a beautifully activated ancestral altar near by. This space was held and sealed by Archangels + being of Grace, Compassion, and Love.

Astrology: Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Capricorn, and Mars stationed retrograde in Gemini

Scorpio’s Purity

This medi was made during a powerful conjunction and Partial Solar Eclipse. The New Moon and Sun are both in Scorpio and the Sun is Conjunct Venus. We gathered around the campfire and collaborated with Fire and Deep Ocean elementals to facilitate transformation, purity, and realignment.

This container is sealed by beings of Grace, Compassion, and Timelessness. I was at my community altar and my animal helpers held down the four corners. Enjoy this bottled calibration of your authenticc medicine.

New Moon in Libra Medi – Sept. 25th, ‘22

This meditation was recorded at the Peak of the New Moon in Libra (2:54p PST), in Southern AZ, USA. I was at my communal altar where items sit for the various lands I have connection with. This meditation is encoded with energies that help you make long lasting changes to your mental body, releasing outdated thought forms and brings you back Home to your Destiny timeline.

We collaborated with forces of time and space to ensure the integrity of this medi throughout time.

Transiting Aspects:

Sun opposing Jupiter, Mercury Conjunct. Venus, Mercury + Venus Trining Pluto, Mars Trining Saturn, and Saturn Squaring Uranus.

Selestial Winds: Jupiter Meditation

This meditation was recorded September 27th, 2022 during a Venus hour. I was at my communal altar, joined by Jupiter (who is currently 367 mill. miles away, the closest in 59 year), Venus and Pluto. The elements of Earth and Fire also participated greatly. As well as Archangels Sandalphon and Metatron, who helped purify and seal the space.

In this Medi we join all of life as we purify our own Original Tone and exchange medicine across domestic and celestial leylines.

We collaborated with forces of time and space to ensure the integrity of this medi throughout time.

Additional Transiting Aspects:

Sun opposing Jupiter, Mercury Trining Pluto, Mars Trining Saturn, and Saturn Squaring Uranus.