Honoring Sacred Time: Journal your Journey
Journal your Journey
A few years ago, I began to notice that around the same time each year certain shadow lessons would resurface at a deeper level, calling for my attention. I also noticed that I would enter a higher level of overstanding with a topic that I first began studying around the same time the year before. My personal patterns would reveal that I learned in “an upward spiral”. It fascinated me to say the least.
I’ve always been a journal-er but this observation pushed me to journal like a Quantum Scientist, fueled with the desire to study a conundrum of a test subject–me. I felt called to bring in the awareness of astrological transits and moon phases. I wanted to be as aware of external influences as possible. Upon doing this, I peeped, I would also experience the same cycles of mini lessons/themes each month–this tripped me out! Over a period of 3 months I saw my natural rises and falls in energy, awareness, enthusiasm, etc. all had a pattern/sequence that coincided with astrological transits (Transiting energy). For ex: whenever the transiting moon is in Virgo, I experience a rebirth in my physical vitality. I’m more enthused to set new goals, create new schedules, stick to more balanced health plans, reorganize my room. For me, this makes total sense as my natal Mars (the planet of actions, initiation, desire, challenge etc.) is in Virgo. Additionally, I noticed that the unconscious pain that I’m suppressing or not addressing usually tends to surface whenever the moon is in Scorpio. My natal Sun sign is Taurus so it follows logic that Scorpio would be the transiting energy that reveals my shadow aspects in a more amplified way than most. You get the idea.
* I want to reiterate that I’ve come to these conclusions based on my own research, journaling, and self observation.
*This is not limited to moon phases. You can see how transiting planets and alignments effect you at every level of astrology. This is also what astrologers do when you seek their wisdom.
A Libra Mars brother of mine found that when the transiting Mars is in Libra, he experiences that rebirth in his routine and goals. Whereas for me, by the time the moon enters Libra, I’m expanding that rebirth into a phase of sustainability and collaboration. This is why knowing yourself is the key here. A phase that may energize some, may be a period of sleep and rest for you. Journaling really affords you the opportunity for you to tune into your own natural rhythms, and bringing in the awareness of the cosmos, tunes you into how the Galactic Rhythms influences you. Mind blowing isn’t it?
Mayan Tzolk’in Calendar.
One year later, my being was ready to receive/re-member “Cyclical Time”. You see, indigenous sects innerstood that reality is an upward spiral of cycles. The Mayans knew that lessons and time unfolded in a sequential manner. They co-create their reality with time, instead of imposing their will with no regard for the natural cycles of the moment. In fact, from the Mayan perspective, there is no hard and fast “end” to each day. They overstand that each day flows into the next and ride the current of energy like a wave in the ocean. This is the basis for their entire calendar systems. One of which, the Tzolk’in, is a system of 260 days comprised of 20 cycles of 13 day weeks, called “Trecanas”. It’s quite humbling and reaffirming to be guided to a system of such mastery, after having come to its gems naturally.
Which brings us back to the topic. You don’t have to overly consume external information to tune you into what’s going on with you. Trust, your universe is always communicating with you. You just gotta slow down and listen. Observe your cycles, programmings, and really see yourself from a birds eye view.
Styles of Journaling I’ve used on my Journey:
Separating my journal by purpose really helped me to get the most out of my journaling. For a long time, I would keep so many different observations in one journal. The result? Me constantly flipping through pages trying to find one passage or moment. Color coding my one journal helped this problem for awhile. However, it required me to have a stock pile of the same colors. Below you will see some of the options I explored.
Dream Journal: the first few minutes of being awake is when you're most aware of your dreams. This makes it the optimal time for journaling your dreams. Anything you can recall will be huge is building your retention muscle. You’d be surprised.. by simply writing that one detail you remember, you’re likely to trigger other memories from your dream.
Dream journals allow you to begin dreaming lucidly
Strengthens your connection to your parallel selves
Will tap you into the the layering of time and symbolism of your unconscious reality
Daily Journal: This journal is just your handy everyday journal where you just check in with yourself and get in the habit of implementing other tools you may be working with. This is the most common type of journaling style and it has no rules. It’s really a free-write party! This style of journaling allows you to:
Strengthen your reliance and trust within yourself. You’re basically reviewing your day and in the process of writing, you’ll likely notice more symbolism and themes that may be present.
A place to document your synchronicities. Perhaps you experienced three days where someone mentioned a path that you’ve been wanting to embark upon? This is where you document things like that.
You’ll notice that as your self-awareness strengthens, your universe will begin to respond to you in the most subtle of ways.
Manifestations/Spell Crafting: This is where you keep all of your intentions, affirmations, and mantras. I usually tend to limit this journal to manifestations and affirmations so that the journal is comprised of a consistent energy. You may find that you only pick up this book during new moon phases for your intentions, or you may find that this is your go to for writing mantras and affirmations.
Metaphysical Journal: This is where you document your notes, herbal tincture recipes, spiritual bath recipes, the list could go on. This could overlap in similarity with your Daily Journal (see above), depending on your energy. You’ll notice what your interests are revealing to you.
My metaphysical journal has helped me largely with identifying and working through generational traumas and cycles.
Modality Journal: It is here that you could keep track of the increase of your energy while working with a modality. This too, could overlap with your metaphysical journal, depending on your energy.
This could be tarot, where you write out one card a day to enhance your intuitive and traditional awareness of each card
Qi Gong where you document your progression to build discipline and awareness about your difficulties and triumphs.
Keeping a log of your innate gifts and how they have begin to emerge and enhance.
There is an infinite pool of possibilities when it comes to journaling and I hope that this post has opened your mind up to its simply sacred potential; as well as motivate you to empower yourself by diving into the wondrous world of Sacred Time and Mayan Astrology.
Much love fellow travelers
~Saki. S.