Super Pink Full Moon in Libra
Journeying with Wholeness
Created by Saki
This full moon is bringing major themes of connection with your soul family, healing the inner child, and original self. It’s ironic that this Libra moon (an energy that values socializing and relating), would occur during a time when the world is experiencing “isolation” and social distancing. The theme of balance and cleaning up those emotions we’ve collectively suppressed for centuries, feels very loud.
This period “out of time” has opened space for a lot of the inner work to be done. The work that often gets suppressed by the humdrum of daily responsibilities.
The way I see it, we have unheard of opportunities here. We can either add to the motion of fear and anxiety.… Or, take this moment to reimagine and redefine what our global society looks and feels like.
When we zoom into our personal lives, we’re afforded the opportunity to see that we‘re choosing each day.
The choice between presence or fear.
Authentic flow or vain productivity.
Compassion or judgement.
All of these choices add to the movement of our planet… our galaxy.
Which direction do you wish to travel?
The Libra + Aries portal opens an opportunity for childhood wounding to be brought close and transformed. In order for Libra to fully mature their gifts of diplomacy, servitude, and intimacy; they must be full of themselves, so they can overflow into their environment with ease. Allowing their gentle winds to add a delicate sensation to their atmosphere. Balance is key.
We return to our inner child; assess the harmful unconscious behaviors, traumas, and stories we've rehearsed, that hinders us from accessing the choice woven in each present moment. We hold a Vision of Wholeness that our Pure Self calls us to remember – our original intention.
What does your curiosity feel like? What does discovery feel like? I imagine being suspended in the cosmos with spectrums of desire beaming from my heart… the flutterfly feeling that accompanies it… the excitement that’s birthed from curiosity and discovery.
The inner child is the gatekeeper of creation and joy.
Refine this channel, bring close the moments from your youth that created unhealthy patterns.
Witness them in their fullness.
Allow them to exist without needing to over explain, shame, or guilt them away.
Experience the full range to feel exactly how they feel, uninterrupted.
This step of Honoring these raw emotions will inspire deeper trust within yourself and begin to open the channel that holds your sacred visions.
We are nurturing our true reality.
It’s planting season. The soil is rich, and ready for you to water the seeds of sovereignty that is your birthright.
This Super Pink Full Moon is the magnet that is pulling the illusions to the surface, illuminating your pain so that you may realize that the only person in your way is you. This momentum of possibility is amplified by the brightest moon of the year.
You got this. You were never alone. Trust, that when you choose you, when you choose your gifts, your calling, your peace… there is an entire community waiting to meet you, to greet you; to co-create a new society with you.
Show up.
With love and grace, Saki.