Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
Eclipse & Nodal Cycles accelerate reality shifts by triggering our blind spots so they can “eclipse” our vision and be addressed.
These Cycles are 2 1/2 year transits where the themes of the Eclipse play out more intensely. This happens at a collective and personal level (for this cycle, check where you have Aries + Libra in your natal chart).
Globally, they can be tumultuous but ultimately purifying. Blackouts, geostorms, declarations of war, earthquakes etc. are some of the ways the Earth is impacted by these eclipses.
Cardinal Eclipse Cycle in 3 Octaves
2023 Eclipse Cycle aka Act i : Exposition
Moving in a New Direction and taking time to explore your own scent.
Recommitments to Integrity and values.
Breaking spells and limitations
Staying Silent and locking in
Trying new approaches
Abrahamic Religions play out their End-times programming (impacting all the industries they’re plugged in to).
2024 Eclipse Cycle aka Act ii:
All the tools are in place but no one is going to force you to use them.
Poor integrity destroys Empires
Healthy interconnectedness.
Weak foundations crumbling
Exposing underhandedness and shady deals
Synchronic Collaborations
Public Rivalries and challenging worldviews
Charisma opens doors
2025 Eclipse Cycle aka Act iii:
Integrated Reality Shift
Local Network connecting to the greater Grid
New Millionaires
War, war, and… more WAR
Collapse of Western Worldview
Re-centering trades and vocations
Re-centering actual currency (minerals)
New batch of “Overnight” success stories
Falling from grace
Suppression of critical thought