In Saffron’s Winds

Saffron is the thread that sows integration so that wisdom is available in all moments. Subtle attunments to opulence, wealth, and knowing who you are.
— Saki Savavi

Ai generated image of Saffron by Saki Savavi

Saffron has been calling my name for the past few months and it’s now gotten to a place of loud SCREAMS. It’s unavoidable, magnetic, and I’m fully immersed in its fiery embrace. In this short blog, I’ll be documenting my journey with Saffron and what it’s revealed to me. With so much info on the internet about plants, crystals, their spiritual correspondences etc. I hope this serves as a reminder and invitation to keep track of what certain attractions mean for YOU! That’s just as valid (if not more), than downloading someone else’s relationship.

Saffron (Crocus Sativus), is a beautiful flower found in Iran, Greece, Morocco and India. Once it blooms it produces these vibrant thready tendrils that are an orange-red color. The flower itself flaunts lively lavender petals that reminds me of purple tulips in late bloom.

The scent is enthralling, it immediately opens the senses that connect the upper palate of my mouth and nose. I love adding Saffron threads to deserts and savory entrees, it adds a new dimension of flavor to the meal, one that doesn’t smother the other spices. 

Energetically, Saffron mirrors its physical impacts (for me atleast). It prepares an opulent space for my most vibrant, integrated, and curious self, to arrive. Whether I’m wearing saffron, eating it, or letting it dance in my home as an incense; it creates the feeling of peaking my head through the clouds to reveal a crisp and refreshing new atmosphere. Once at this vantage point I feel more magnetic with my true desires, the ones that prepare me as a vessel for blessings that will benefit all I’m connected to. Speaking of connection, I notice that Saffron acts as the thread that weaves together seasons of wisdom. Inviting them to communicate, integrate, and become accessible at a moment's notice.

Energetic Emphasis: Crown and Root

By attuning my Crown to my true Direction it opens refreshing ranges of grounding. It invites me to be more sure-footed, embodied, and observant. Reminding me that presence is a quality that requires all my senses. Because of this, I’d add that Saffron works with all energy centers. Once it attunes the Crown and Root, the other centers follow their lead and catch the new upgrades.

Additionally, there’s a shift that happens in my spine and posture when I’m in the winds of Saffron. I can’t quite articulate it yet but it’s subtle yet impactful. 

I said I’d keep this brief and I feel myself ready to go on and on, so I’ll conclude with this: I look forward to learning Saffron across seasons and environments. It will surely be a medicine that I return to again an again. What are some medicines you’re leaning on at this moment? What is it teaching you?


Tending to the Silence


Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra