O Sacred Fire: A love letter to 2022
O Sacred Fire: A love letter to 2022, the year of Fire
From Capricorn to capricorn, this year has transformed the edges of my being. Re-structuring the very fabric of my reality. Thank you Sacred Fire for purifying and transforming impurities known and unknown. Thank you O Sacred Fire for cleansing my blindspots. This years of 2022 has
Thank you O Sacred Fire for cleansing my heart.
Thank you Sacred fire for guiding me to forget, reminding me to remember.
Thank you Sacred Fire for guiding me deeper and deeper into my self, into the dream. Remembering that I can awake at any moment. Remembering my Prayer. Remembering my Sacred Fire. My Galactic Winds, my Galactic Wins.
Thank you 2022
For showing me that there’s nothing to do. No one to become
Nowhere to run.
Just Here.
In the Garden of My Sacred Prayer. In the Seed of my Becoming.
I am in no rush to Become who I already am, that is My prayer.
I am in no rush to fulfill a Destiny that has already Been,
Nothing to Win
Just maintaining remembrance.
Maintaining Purity, I’m sure that we can, align with more than thee awakened mind in every time I
Weep and cry for all the ays I have
Out the respinsbility of caretaking my inner child on someone else
Never again
O never again
O sacred fire thank you for showing me, thak you for mentoring me and holding me and molding me and growing me and folding me
O sacred fire I weep, O sacred Fire I weep
For every word I forget to speak
O sacred fire, youve held my hand
O sacred fire you’ve cleared my back
O sacred fire, thank you for showing me the wisdom in your coals
Thank you for reflecting the spark of my soul
O sacred fire thank you for clearing the path O sacred fire, o sacred fire
O Sacred Fire I open my throat and i speak..
Because of your beauty I know I’m unique
O sacred Fire guide me now
O sacred fire clear my crown
O sacred fire I wax and wane, like each day that you came
O saguaro Fat wood and Stone, chaparral and grains unknown.
Thank you for reminding me of the beauty of becominng, unwinding, unthreading, re-membering, re-mineralized, whole, home. Pure sparking glowing love.