Prompts for the Soil

At this first leyline meeting we'll be collaborating with the Volcanos that have erupted this year to facilitate change and healing in our lives and across the Earth. At a broader scale we’ll be using this energy to assist with the global exhale available. Moving stuck anger, resentment, and frustration. With permission we’ll also be using these energies bring forth deep transformation in our personal lives.

What beauty does volcanic eruptions bring? They nourish the land, re-mineralize the soil, and purify all that which is impure. Though their nature can be destructive, they’re aligned with he same cleansing powers of hurricanes and typhoons. The difference is that they take their time building momentum (this could be hundreds of thousands of years), preparing for one powerful eruption that bursts throughout the Earth. It’s no coincidence that at least 50 volcanoes erupted in 2022 as of November 29th 2022. The Earth is exhaling in unison. Shake that load off.

In this meeting we’re joining these Ancient forces in “shaking that load off”, preparing the soil for rebirth. Please don’t be shy, come with your cam on and be ready to call out whatever is on your spirit. I’ll share more about this formate during the live before we get started.

Songs: Outkast Liberation, The Hungry Medium “Don’t Get Got”

Questions for deeper Inquiry

What core beliefs have you shifted in 2022?

When you hear "geomancy" what comes to mind?

Check out the artwork of Moebius.

Lean into your own heritage, what are 3 ways your people healed the Earth?

Besides your identity what is guiding you in this moment

How has your body mourned/released these big changes happening and what has your renewal process been like?

Additional Resources:

On Eruptions

Life Cycle of a Volcano

Volcanic Soil

Root Chakra Meditation: Grounding into the Fiery Core of Gaia


O Sacred Fire: A love letter to 2022