We’re visiting such a vast and complex being that it’s only right we take our time and truly analyze this from both sides of the brain.
Welcome to Earthen Energies: Left Brain, where we’ll dive into the scientific and modern perspectives of what our Earth pulses and begin laying the groundwork for a more multidimensional world-view!
Earthen energies Playlist:
The Primordial Element of Earth is first to emerge from the Seas of our Water Planet. Bringing with it, the elements included in Earth’s Crust. These properties energize the network of ley lines that are keepers of energetic vortices. Each layer of our planet holds a particular weight or density that also translates to a frequency of consciousness (more on this later).
This Being hosts our human experience. She’s the foundation of all elements, all life; from molecular to gaseous. Bringing balance, form, and freedom of growth to all life. Most indigenous cultures held such honor and reverence for the Earth. From their creation stories to their knowledge of growing seasonal foods; it’s fascinating to examine how being in “right relationship” with the Earth was an ever-present awareness for our earliest communities. Even today, we can track how the systems that govern most modern countries impacts our relationship with the Earth and our society reflects how we relate to each other.
This is a universal moment of restoring the way of right relationship.
Ley Lines Map of the World, 2011
A Planet of Networks:
In grade school, I remember being taught the components of physics, mathematical equations, laws and theories… I believed that science and math “weren't my thing”, I realize now that what those lessons were (arguably intentionally) missing, was the link to being relational with the earth, in other words, what does all of this science and mathematics have to do with my personal existence? What does it mean for all living beings as a whole? How are we in symbioses? How do these left brained sciences connect to the right brain innerstanding of purpose?
Emphasizing the unity of both hemispheres
of the brain,
unlocks a greater self awareness, respect for the planet,
and desire to uncover more about these links.
The Earth emits naturally occurring electromagnetic waves that oscillate between the Earth and certain atmospheric layers. These long waves pulse a low frequency and are beneficial, influencing harmony across the planet. They run at the same frequency as the main control centers of the human brain, the hippocampus and hypothalamus. They also follow a daily pattern as our brain waves, impacting our sleep cycles, or Circadian Rhythm. Today, we refer to this frequency as the Schumann Resonance, named after Winfried Schumann. These waves are so essential to the biological harmonics of the human system, that NASA now installs equipment aboard spaceships to simulate Schumann waves. Studies show that “jet lag” is largely due to being disconnected from these waves while flying.
Did you know that the 64
trace elements that make up the
Earth’s Crust have a certain vibratory frequency?
The sum of these vibrations creates
a geo-magnetic wave that impacts
our cardiovascular system.
There are many naturally occurring and subtle fields of energy that are related to the Earth. For a while now I’ve been fascinated with Ley Lines, energy lines on/in the Earth that are electromagnetic in nature. You can compare these ley lines with the meridians in the body. The other celestial planets in our solar system also have ley lines and these energetic fields impact each other while we all orbit the Sun. I imagine that, from another scale, our solar system is a leyline in a larger network.
Fire Dreaming, by Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra
In Aboriginal worldview (indigenous people of Australia), there are said to be songlines that follow the sacred pathways that stretches across the land. Each songline tells an essential story through their song. The many groups within Aboriginal culture contribute to the various songlines. Together, these energetic currents create one harmonic song. They hold the history of humanity, and hold the wisdom of the different communities that “guard” each song. It is said that in order for the Song to be understood in its entirety, one person would have to speak all of the languages and understand their cultural nuances. This tells us that anchoring Galunlati, the Beauty Path, isn’t a task for one person. It requires community and each person, each clan, playing their part for the betterment of the whole.
All across the world, there are these energy vortices that possess higher magnetic energies than the regular geomagnetic intensity. At these points, you’ll often find sacred sites, holy places of worship, and even military bases.
Could it be that ancient and modern peoples use these points to harness and/or influence energy?
There have been many studies of even more complex ley lines and how they operate, here’s some of my favorites:
The Hartmann Lines, The Benker Cubical System, The Curry Grid, Black Lines, The Vivaxis
*Special thanks to Cyndi Dale who compiled much of this information in her book “The Subtle Energy Body”, check it out!
Where am I going with this?
Many energy systems remind us that our thoughts, actions, and energy of our physical existence leaves imprints. These imprints not only impact the field of possibility within ourselves (more on this when we get to the Primordial Element of Air), it also imprints our environment. Take archaeology and historians, they literally study the imprints of everyone that came before us. Record keepers of the physical. Ley Lines hold energetic records of the past and anchor energies for the future. These incoming energies are in relation to our solar system and pick up on what’s coming in at a galactic level.
Architects today have utilized this knowledge of ley lines and geomancy to inform Red Lining, segregation, and creating energetic caps for BIPOC