In part one of Earthen Energies, we explored the scientific nature of the Earth, the importance of energetic Ley lines, and began touching the weight of resonance that the Earth embodies. In this segment, I’ll share my personal accounts and some perspectives that may help you on your journey of restoring right relationship with the Earth.
The second episode in the Primordial Powers series, Earthen Energies depicts the embodiment of an organic perspective.
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Special thanks to Tamara Tashna (@eightblossoms) for carefully curating these sonic tones.
Reflect and Re-member the Quantum
Since this entire series is an offering to the elements, it’s only right that I share that I’m predominantly an Earth Sign (loads of Taurus and Virgoan energy in my chart, save the drag LOL). As such, I’ve been a student of Earth elementals my entire life.
When I was a child my father loved taking me to the swings (that was our spot okay!), he would push me and say “Up! Up! Up into the trees!’ As I grew older, on our walks, the wind would blow and my father would point and say “Look, Kinah! Those are our Ancestors waving at us”. In my youth I definitely thought it was sweet but generally dismissed it.
as my capacity for
personal transformation evolved,
so did my relationship with the Earth.
In my teenage years I began having dreams of different lands calling me, speaking their wisdom. Sometimes I’d forget the actual dialogue and simply recall the feeling, waking up with an energy upgrade in the way I moved about my day or even subtle shifts in my perception. Suddenly, my desire to witness myself expanded. Noticing my patterns of relating to myself, my environment, the unconscious ways I’d react to the people around me. My relationship with the Earth.
I wanted the Earth to trust me.
To initiate me, to feel my heart and know that
my desire to learn how to protect her
comes from a place of knowing that
I am of her.
During a journey to Arizona in 2018, while meditating with my spine connected to a tree, I dropped into her awareness. Syncing my breath in the Qi Gong way, I felt the pulse of my consciousness move deep into the earth. Following the channels of the roots. I literally felt my consciousness go so deep that it scared me, I jumped out of meditation. It felt like those dreams where you’re falling down the stairs and your whole body acts as if you’re really falling. No lie, at that point, I’d never experienced something so visceral in my life. The feeling communicated something that I could never fully discover by reading. It’s to be experienced.
After my nerves settled, I linked back up with the homie tree. Again, I dropped into the root consciousness. I could feel a deep love and subtle communication happening. Waves of safety and spaciousness engulfed me. I felt the tree speak to me. It wasn’t how we speak, it was more like a whisper of a knowing. In an instant, I saw my consciousness moving up and out the tree. My awareness traveled with the same motion as seeing - I am the being that sees while seeing. We moved in unison, just as electricity animates a circuit board; all the way up to where the thick of the tree branches off.
That’s when things got interesting. I felt my awareness, that, milliseconds ago, was a singular electrical current, begin split off into the primary branches, splitting again with each little branch that shot out from the main ones… then again, filling the networks within the leaves. Here, my perception was total. I saw every face of my surroundings. Well… as much as the tree could see. I felt the heat from the sun on the surface of the/my leaves. I even sensed the tiny bugs crawling around the aspect of my awareness that was still connected with the roots. It really blew my fucking mind.
*I feel that it’s important to say that I was completely sober during this meditation and had been sober during my stay in Southern Arizona.
The wind began to blow and I started to get a little chilly. I felt the outside bark of the tree against my spine. Almost as if it was tightening to keep me there. Again, that whisper of a knowing spoke. This time it showed me how to draw my breath from deep within the Earth. Bringing with it heat that could warm my body. I felt this inner Earth warmth traveling up not only my body, but warming the tree that I was collaborating with… all the way to the surface of the leaves, cascading out of their veiny faces, and washing over our Auras.
I must have sat at that tree for at least an hour.
Communing, learning, and listening.
During this time, my meditations with this tree expanded my awareness in a way I didn’t expect. I would leave offerings, develop proper collaborative etiquette, and deepen my relationship with the land. There were moments where my connection to the tree was so woven, so harmonious, that my world view widened to the scope of understanding that this tree was a vehicle for my connection with the vaster universe, and that all trees send pulses of communication to each other.
This is also why trees are cut down to create better service for artificial signals.
Nature’s Web is already here and accessible.
This land showed me how to connect to the deeper energies within the Earth, opened my ability to generate my own internal heat, and the art of being mutable with the weather while still being grounded in the Earth – to Reality. When we connect to the Earth, we’re able to connect as far as we’re able to perceive. Humbled by her wisdom.
I define mental pollution as those thought patterns that revolve around the illusions of separation, scarcity, being unsafe, and unworthiness. These woundings can play dress up and express themselves as anger, greed, lust, etc. I refer to them as pollution because thoughts don’t sit idle in your mind. They pulse into the energetic matrix of your environment, weaving their qualities into the air and forming pockets of thought that generate weight in your space.
When I tune in to why I do this work, it’s rooted in my devotion of renewing my vessel to be a steward of this planet. By transmuting my own mental pollution, because thoughts don’t sit idle in your mind, they pulse into the energetic matrix of your environment, weaving their qualities into the air; I begin creating the space needed for deep transformation to happen. From this place of clarity, generating beautiful visions that are life-aligned happens. Pulsing frameworks for moving through the very energetic trappings that once colored my world-view and consciously directing my energy to manifest my authentic expression. My elder Dhyani Ywhaoo writes, “If there is an excess of unclarified emotion in the heart of the people, then there is unclear emotion expressed by the nation. There is no way to separate yourself from your nation and planet. This is your home”.
What are you weaving?
Restoring Right Relationship
We already know the systems that have plummeted us into imbalance: the ones that damage the individual, family, community, nation, and global society. The systems that undermine and hijack the wisdom of pure intuition, the ones that seek to separate our awareness from being cohesive to our environment. We don’t need to spend too much energy dwelling on what isn’t working.
When holding the vision of restoring “Right Relationship”, the words “Anciently futuristic” come to mind. Bridging the harmonious practices and scopes of many indigenous peoples, with the technology, and possibility of today. At its essence it involves healing the way we engage with the organic world. Reawakening our planetary responsibility, making decisions with the next seven generations in mind. How can we preserve our resources for our grand children? What imbalances can we heal within ourselves so that our descendants don’t have to move through the same labyrinths we had to face? What tools can we offer the Earth? How can we be an asset to our physical and energetic environment?
Our Earth inhales and exhales as we do; sacred life energy moves within her body as it does in ours. Our Ancestor Dhyani Ywahoo reminds us that, “the trouble that has engulfed the mind of humanity comes from the false concept of ownership and an idea of government that does not take into consideration our relationship, our sacred duty to caretake one another and our mother, the Earth”. We cannot sacrifice one part of the Earth for another. The entirety of this planet is our home. When we sacrifice the rights of one people in hopes that another people will be made happy, we are so zoomed in that we forget that this entire planet is our responsibility.
“The illusion of separation arises from
the mind of not-enough and the thought of
“them” and “us”...
Reactive mind perceives differences.
Circle mind sees what is like” – Dhyani Ywahoo
May we all realize our sacred duty to our human community.
May we take steps to balance the confusion.
May we remember that in protecting the resources of our Earth Mother, we are preserving it for our grandchildren and the next seven generations.
May we remember that when we plant trees today, we are creating the atmosphere for future generations to come.
May we remember that it is the needs of the people that guide the legislators.
May we introduce ourselves to the trees in our neighborhoods, remembering that they too are elders in our planetary society.
May we walk throughout our communities, holding sacred visions of harmony and beautiful possibilities in our minds, so that we may leave these thoughts in the space we travel.
May we remember that we share this land with animals, plant allies, and sacred land guardians.
May we remember that our community structures are modeled after family.
May we bring awareness back into our family.
May we honor the wisdom of our grandparents and caretake that wisdom for our grandchildren.
May we do our part and uphold the vision of whole and unified humanity.
May we remove the illusions of separation and remember the commonalities that weaves our tapestry.
May we take our minds off and humbly rejoin the circle of communion of the forces we exist with.
May we remember to nourish our relationship with our Earth Mother.
Amplifying gratitude, softening our hearts, acting from wisdom that will benefit all living beings.