Primordial Powers: Wisdom Winds



Recap + Introduction

In The Waters, we briefly explored a few indigenous world views on how our Earth is a Water planet from which land masses emerged. We looked at how vocally programming the waters you drink, bathe in, and embody, can empower you to take hold of your reality. Water is the vehicle of internal transformation that then ripples to the external. 

In Earthen Energies (Left and Right Brain) we married ancient and modern science to understand our relationship to the planet and remember our sacred role as stewards to this planet. I also shared a few of my personal experiences with trees and my vision for how being in “Right Relationship” will intricately shift our trajectory. Not only as a global community, but specifically our impacts in Western Society (that seems to live on top of the Earth, instead of in harmony with it).

For Wisdom Winds, we’ll be stretching the accordion and looking into the mental plane. Shedding light on how trauma, dogmatic programming, environment, ancestry, and social programming can really disconnect you from your own internal voice and a healthy perception; and how developing a commitment to maintaining a sovereign mind can create the space you need to fully ground a reality unique to your purpose and honors your vaster self.

Across Cultures

There are many traditional worldviews that associate the element of air/wind with the mind, thought patterns and perception. Even in Tarot, the swords suit represents intellect and mental processes. The Tsalagi, or Cherokee for example, has extensive teachings on the importance of mental harmony. In “Voices of our Ancestors,” Dhyani Ywahoo writes, “discordant thought is always seeking resolution. When one focuses on the pain without calling on the quality of will to transmute a painful situation into a constructive pattern, then the pattern that brings pain will repeat itself continuously”. This reflects The Mental Universe as outlined in the Kybalion.

Astrological influences:

  • Gemini, the messenger and ruler of basic mental functions.

  • Libra, the balance of the upper and lower zodiac. Master of social engagements

  • Aquarius, the water bearer, bringing waters from the ancient future to nurture the present.

My personal relationship with

these realms

In my experience, the mental realm is the invisible film that connects us to the spiritual plane. True, the spirit realm can be accessed by many senses known and yet to be categorized, however, your relationship with your mind and perception will either be conducive to that spiritual quest, or, it will limit your motivations for that exploration, spinning you in the loop of your personal story. Unable to place your subjective experience in the context of the vaster tapestry. Either way, your mind holds that bubble .

Going into nature with the intention to listen. For me, this means no music or podcasts playing. We don’t really understand just how loud we are. You can’t connect to air energies if your mind is so thoroughly filled with other people’s thoughts, music, that one topic from that awesome podcast you started this week, or thinking about that scene from TV. This is where meditation comes in. You begin to train your mind to be still enough to hear yourself. To develop mental boundaries mapping out your mental plane. You may find there’s a lot of programming running in there that you weren’t even conscious was informing a lot of your decisions. Once you clear the noise and fill that space with your authentic energy, you’re able to engage the subtle world around you, and even se how it’s always been engaging you. Suddenly, you see, hear, and feel, that you are never alone. We exist in a multidimensional community that’s waiting for us to remember the etiquette of engagement.

Air, energies of the East

In nature, the wind bellows through the land. Disembodied, sweeping environments like a gentle dance between substances that otherwise may never have met. Wind carries life; from pollen, seeds, to bodies of water. Air is the force that creates space for new life to form. Air also causes turbulence, externally, this may manifest as actual turbulence during flight, tornadoes and typhoons. Air, the direction of the east, even has a hidden hand in hurricanes; where most fixate on what they can see, the water, they forget to mention Air’s name altogether. Internally, it’s the same equation. The element of air can surround you in a tornado of thoughts that leave one numb… drifting off into oblivion. Stunned and bombarded with the mental image of every horrible thing that’s ever happened to them. Ironically, it’s also the breath that can bring any extreme emotion (whether excessive joy or sheer terror), into a state of calm centeredness.  Movement is initiated by breath; it’s all about how you harness it. Understanding which winds you’re swept up in can save your life.

On another scale, air/atmosphere is the force that separates Earth and Sky. Another reminder of the mental realm, as it too is the field between our internal and external realities

When navigating the mental realm I find it useful to be intentional about the language we use to describe a sensation or labyrinth we may be caught in. For example, reframing conflict as disharmony then opens the curiosity for how to harmonize that discordant energy. Whereas “conflict” can perpetuate a pattern to push/effort until the object of conflict is dominated. It’s all about how you harness it. 

The breath aids us in slowing down and communicating with our body and internal waters. Reminding us that we are safe and shifting the tension in our bodies so that we may remember to bring harmony to that which is asking for relief.

Processes for Transformation


What is Mental Pollution?

Mental pollution is the process of getting so caught up in the net of charged thoughts, that one creates disharmony in their environment. Our brain waves generates an electrical field that can be felt and experienced. When we don’t have a practice of fully processing our emotions or healthy mental boundaries, we can leak these mental loops + unprocessed energies back into our space, where they can become stuck in time.

Personally, I’ve experienced the sensation of walking into a thought that wasn’t mine. In this example, I was walking across a Baltimore bridge and the thought came in (I don’t have a fear of bridges), along with a visual of that moment.

Now, there are sevral things to be said about that. One, I didn’t have good mental nor energetic boundaries; meaning that, I was just out here enmeshing with my environment and not taking time to fill my energetic space up with my authentic energy. Two, the moment I walked into was also stuck in time, like an air bubble.

To Locate Discordant Energies in the Body

Marrying the breath and internal senses is a powerful tool to locate discordant energies in the body.

Healing the Mind across time

Navigating your relationship to your mind-body is just one facet of this work of healing + authentic embodiment. On your journey you’ll find that it’s a combination platter of resources that works. Here's a list I find helpful:

  • Mushrooms like lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, chaga

    • Mushrooms helps brain function

  • Understanding generational patterns.

    • Knowing what your “family iCloud” is up to can clue you into the intergenerational work that’s been happening and empower you on your journey of harmony.

  • Developing a mindful breath practice. I really love Breath of Fire and different Qi gong Techniques for this.

    • Check out this book for Qi Gong and any book by Mantak Chia

  • Actually spending time in your mental space creating beauty and safety.

    • Mental clarity isn’t solely about “dispelling illusions”, it also involves having a healthy relationship with your imagination and inner universe. Skip the TV show and play with your other senses.

  • Working with flower essences

  • If you’re a visual artist, using your talents to create things that help ground certain frequencies.

    • I love creating visual affirmations and hanging them around my home or placing them on my altar.

As you invite the breath to find its natural rhythm, you may have thoughts, memories, or moments come up where you’ve experienced difficult emotions. In this way, the breath is showing you what in your system is searching for relief. As these stories arise, take note of any sensations in the body that happen simultaneously.

Ex. You may do this process and notice muscle spasms in your legs.

When you focus on where these sensations are located in the body instead of the story that comes up, you’re better able to help transmute this energy out of the body and back to earth.

Use your hands to massage the point of tension and get curious about what this trapped energy may need from you. Perhaps it needs safety, love, attention, or even validation. You can then use the breath to introduce these needs into this space on your inhale, and carrying it out of your body on your exhale. Do this as many times as you need.

Once you feel completed, you can fill this space with visualizations of harmony, your authentic essence, your pure joy. Whatever it is– it’s very important that you fill this space that you’ve cleared with intentional energies that are in alignment with the harmony you want your body to maintain. Otherwise that same energy will come back and fill the space you’ve cleared.

I love to fill those spaces with my authentic purpose in this lifetime and vaster essence. I see it as percentages; I want all of my being to be filled with all of who I am at a soul level. This perspective empowers me to do this process with great courage and curiosity.

I know that I may hold and transform any energies in my body that I’ve inherited through my ancestry, have held through societal programming and have become stuck from traumatic moments; so that once cleared and healed, I may fill those spaces with all of me. Thus amplifying the percentage & signal of my true purpose.


The True Stars of Cartography: Ottoman Mapmakers
