Returning Home
Touchingbrifly on the energies of Cancer Season and answering the call to return home! Also a brief note on our usual monthly live meetings.
Integration, Re-Evaluation, and Storing Energy
Take some time to revisit your intentions from Aries, Taurus, and Gemini Season. How are you faring? Utilize this Cancer season to make any necessary adjustments before we approach a fire season again.
Exploring Arcosanti
I spent over 24 hours at at Arcosanti, a project of Urbanism and Arcology and fell so deeply in love. Recap my experience with me in this brief article!
Tending to the Silence
Brief reflection on the Solar eclipse + a bit about how I’m replenishing.
In Saffron’s Winds
In this short blog, I’ll be documenting my journey with Saffron and what it’s revealed to me. With so much info on the internet about plants, crystals, their spiritual correspondences etc. I hope this serves as a reminder and invitation to keep track of what certain attractions mean for YOU! That’s just as valid (if not more), than downloading someone else’s relationship.
Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
Decoding the Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra and examining the many octaves that the Cardinal Eclipse Cycle (Aries & Libra) brings into view.
The Importance of Purifying before Crossing the Threshold
Tips for Crossing Celestial Thresholds
Silence in the Portal
A quick word on the New Moon in Pisces syncing up with the beginning of Ramadan and Daylight Savings, also registration links for upcoming events!
Prompts for the Soil
A little more to help you prepare for our first Sacred Leyline Meeting